Call Dr Pete Jones Today: 01909 733810
We are the leading developers and providers of commercial implicit bias tests ( Implicit Association Test: IAT) to support staff development, training, audit and programme evaluation. We offer a range of robust implicit bias tests addressing bias on the basis of key protected characteristics and other individual differences including: Age, Beards, Bodyweight, Disability, Ethnicity, Faith/Religion, Gender, Nationality, Sexual Orientation and Tattoos.
Utilising the unique ‘Bias Test’ and ‘Implicitly®’ test platforms we offer large scale bias testing for employers from just £1.50p a person. Confidential feedback for test takers and supporting documents are included in the cost.
Dr Pete Jones also provide implicit bias testing facilities for training providers and organisational researchers from only £2.50p per test including Confidential feedback for test takers and supporting documents are included.
Read more: Costings Document
Both of our test platforms were carefully developed over 16 years to deal with the shortcomings, in terms of Reliability and validity, of the academic Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT). The Harvard IAT was used by many organisations and trainers, but is a research tool and flawed for use in any work context. ‘Bias Test’ and ‘Implicitly®’ deal with all of the many concerns over the Harvard IAT outlined by Hart Blanton and James Jaccard (2006)
Read more: Arbitrary Metrics Paper
You can compare our test with the Harvard IAT HERE:
At Shire Professional our Unique Selling Point is our psychological knowledge. Primarily we are psychologists, not test sellers. This distinction is at the core of our business. Using robust psychological models we offer a comprehensive implicit bias testing service. This always uses robust psychological models.
Our unconscious bias video series |
Video 1. Basics of unconscious bias (5 mins). |
Video 2. Unconscious bias and recruiting ( 8 mins.) |
Video 3. Unconscious bias performance management and reward (5 mins.) | Video 4. Unconscious bas in coaching, mentoring and sponsorship (4 mins.) |
Video 5. Action on unconscious bias ( 20 mins.) |
Video 6. Unconscious bias, end to end (42 mins.) |
Video usage policy: Dr. Pete Jones, trading as Shire Professional, asserts his continuing rights to this copyrighted material as creator of this video/animation. |